• Dordogne Vineyard
  • Dordogne Vineyard

Dordogne Vineyard

Dubard Vineyard
Date : April 15, 2022
Condition : New
Location : Dubard Vineyard
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More than 40 years ago, the Dubard family chose to call this land home. Since 2008, the Vignobles Dubard took on a new dimension with the arrival of the second generation, Marine & Gregory Dubard, both graduated winemakers and vineyard managers. Surrounded by a solid team, we create and together produce a wide range of wines, our feet in the vineyards and heads in the stars.


Our vineyards extend today over more than 100 hectares on the right bank of the river Dordogne : 85 hectares in Bergerac-Montravel, 8.50 hectares in Lalande de Pomerol and 8.50 hectares in Puisseguin St Emilion. Our wines express the identity of our « terroirs » with our personal touch as a backdrop. Here, we are commited to continue writing our own story while preserving the environment

If you’re looking for a vineyard experience and your then look no further than the Dubard Vineyard https://vignoblesdubard.fr/en/our-values/



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